Our extensive offering and thematically relevant approach to providing alternative investment strategies truly differentiates us.

For qualified investors, alternative investments can make a valuable contribution to growing wealth and managing risk over time.
Thoughtful allocations in your core or opportunistic portfolio to private equity, real estate and hedge funds can provide additional diversification and sources of return uncorrelated to the public markets.
The Alternative Investments team uses our breadth of research and due diligence resources to offer a comprehensive range of alternative investment strategies for clients of varying sizes, levels of sophistication and risk tolerance.
Our team undertakes rigorous analysis to screen and select from the world’s leading investment managers.
Not only do we enable you to exploit opportunities that are unavailable in the public markets, we also enable you to access them through a variety of structures.
How we serve you
We select private equity, real estate and hedge fund managers from across the marketplace based on their merits and our due diligence.
We start with a top-down approach, pursuing themes that we believe have multi-year investment potential and managers whose strategies offer suitable thematic exposure.
To do this, our research analysts cover thousands of managers and conduct rigorous investment and due diligence reviews on potential candidates.
We then work with you to select the opportunities appropriate for your risk, return and liquidity goals.
We believe you should have many different ways to access alternative investment strategies.
We offer single-manager funds if you seek to express a particular view or pursue a particular strategy.
We also offer fund-of-funds for broad-based exposure as well as custom portfolios for tailored access.
In private equity and real estate, in addition to standard funds, we offer investment clubs, co-investment deals and separately managed accounts.
We seek to provide differentiated opportunities across the alternative investment spectrum.
Since 2010, over 75% of opportunities offered in the private equity and real estate space were exclusive to – or bespoke for – our clients.*
Your questions
Our proprietary methodology estimates returns for private equity, real estate and hedge funds over a ten-year horizon.
Our dedicated Operational Due Diligence team seeks to identify and mitigate such risks prior to investing in hedge funds, private equity and real estate.
Among our multi-year investment themes are G2 polarization, digitization, greening the world, and other Unstoppable trends.
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