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Please note registering your interest in Citi Latitude does not guarantee access to every event. Typically, Citi Latitude invitations are extended to ultra-high net worth individuals, their families, family office executives, and professional investors.
Become a client and join Citi Latitude
Private banking for the next generation
Citi Latitude is designed to create introductions, inspire and motivate the next generation of leaders to help them make a positive impact in their communities, business and personal lives.
The program sits at the heart of one of the world’s most extensive global banking networks with a presence in more than 100 markets, and influence in nearly 160 geographic jurisdictions.
Citi Latitude provides a gateway to Citi's private banking services and enables emerging leaders to form enduring friendships and business relationships with their peers and leading professionals.

Join Citi Latitude
For the next generation of leaders
Join Citi Latitude and become a client to access our next generation network, private banking services, absorbing experiences and inspirational dialogues.