
Reports & Downloads

  • How do I generate On-demand Reports?

    To generate On-demand Reports, choose the Reports link, then select "Create New On Demand Report." Select either a simple or detailed report and the date. Click on "Generate Report." It may take a few minutes to generate.

  • I generated a new On-demand Report. I see the red circle and the message saying "Generating New On-demand Report." How do I know where the report is and how do I print it?

    Once the report has been generated, you will see a gray box in the Reports section with the time the report was generated, and a link with the name of the report. Click on the name of the report to open up the new report. You can view and print the report in Adobe Acrobat PDF Reader. The On-demand Report will be available for five calendar days.

  • Can I download information from the Web site?

    Yes. You can download The Relationship Reports from the Web site. This information is downloaded in CSV (comma-separated) format.

  • Can I download transaction details into Quicken?

    Transaction records are downloadable in comma separated value (CSV) format. These details are not currently downloadable into Quicken.

If you did not find the answer to your question here, please do not hesitate to contact Web Services and Support.